Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bleh work and some pics

When you see a mid-week update you're definitely scratching your head in puzzlement. Nothing to panic, it's just the frenzy of having a new toy to play with, that's all. More stuff to put up as I try as hard as I can to master sketching on the tablet. Hard to get straight consistent lines that seem quite easy via inking. I guess I'll start doing more of that once I get frustrated enough with the tablet clean-sketching.

The second gray-goth-girl was drawn first. I once saw a brilliant Youtube video forwarded by my friend (Who has just arrived in Australia. Welcome!) (www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBIOq4P2Llg&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Exanga%2Ecom%2FHlK4Rl%5FM3KURA) detailing a very cool way of sketching via tablet. You'll note I tried to emulate the cloud effect as well. Anyway, this was another attempt as using rough lines to sketch without outlining it to give a 'clean' feel.

The first pic was drawn today. My cousin who is another tablet-buddy was working on his own piece of a girl and her mecha. I couldn't be arsed designing and colouring a mecha so I just settled for some boat-like floaty things. It was at this time I realised how bloody complex those floating ships you see in the Final Fantasy series are to create. Ah well, imagine a cheapo-Protoss sort of design. I'm also still working on skin tone. At present I'm balancing between just a simple 1-shade or doing multiple layers with different tones. It's quite hard to figure out how to apply the tones but the end result is usually very nice. For instance the flesh should have stronger pinkish hues and maybe some white to denote shine.

You may have noticed that I'm slowly departing from my usual set of colours as well. Originally I used the 'web safe' colour set which is pretty limited and gives a pretty dull skin tone. Experiment, experiment, experiment.

Work has been tough. It's a constant roller-coaster ride from being treated as a Wunderkind to being the Dumkopft (how do you spell that?). Quite frustrating. At least I get to watch Simpsons, Futurama and Family Guy at the gym again.

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