Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Random Scribbles

Just a quick post to put up some stuff that I've accrued over the past few days.

First is something I just had to draw today... one of Bleach's (told ya the characters were kinda easy to draw) poster boys Kuchiki Byakuya. Flash of inspiration of sorts. The second crappier thing is based on a discussion with a friend about women's eyewear and how I don't quite like the huge sunglasses look. Hides too much of the face. Anyway, it looks terrible but it was meant to illustrate a point is all.


Anonymous said...

But smaller eyewear makes one look more slyer no ?

Anonymous said...

There's something about the shading of the byakuya. I somehow think something is amiss. Perhaps it could be improvised.

Baron Crovax said...

Nothing wrong with looking sly or coy. Some might say that adds a little 'flavour'. Yes, Byakuya's shading had some problems to be overcome.