Sunday, November 13, 2005

Calming scenes...

Ahh, my apologies for this long wait. You should be used to it by now I suppose. I am, as the name suggests a terrible procrastinator. Also, my scanner went on a slight fritz! Frighetning...
Anyway, good friends, the theme for this week's sketchings seem to be more relaxed. I'll admit the pier-girl seems a bit skewed and off, but I realised I made mistakes too late and had an unsteady board. Therefore, I beg your forgiveness.

The next two are things that I really wanted to sketch. Sadly, my versions are no where near the images I've had in mind... but I try my best. A couple under a tree, hair blowing gently in the wind... ah, it's springtime (going on summertime) in Australia.

Anyway, that should do it for this week. Thank you and good luck for those still stuck in exams and the such. We are all bound by the chains of fate.

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