Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Jump Ultimate Stars Madness!

Ohoho, my duckies! It's been a bit long hasn't it?

Well I've got my reasons. Lots of them, really. First of all, a big THANK YOU to the number of people who have facilitated the arrival of Jump Ultimate Stars to my doorstep. You know who you are. Let me say that of all the games I've gotten for my DS, this is probably the MOST fun one I've ever played (despite it being entirely in JAPANESE) and have immersed myself thoroughly for the past week. I mean... Bankai Ichigo versus Kyuubi Naruto? C'mon! I'm so thrilled I wrote thought up a proper comic for it, too! I thought up a few more funny ones but once I started drawing I realised I'm not used to drawing small panels (hard to fit) and just decided to do them individually and ignore the size ratios. Then I kinda didn't want to use inks because I'm severly out of practice so I just used pencils. Then it kinda scanned weird. So I stopped at one. Might reserve the other ideas for later if I write them down.

That alone didn't take ALL my time (it took a lot, though). I've had to do rush job interviews here and there and one involved a very hasty trip to Canberra. Very, very hard interview with very, very hard questions. Scary. Got a few more to do in the coming weeks. Sigh. But the good news is that I got my residency and can now stick around Australia for a bit. Yeeha! Anyway these things took up a fair amount of time and effort, so I'll leave out most of the generalities.

On a side note, turning 26 soon. Thank you very much for the early present, Ying. I like it heaps. That's a hint for other gift givers to take note. Will probably be seeing Spiderman 3 before that comes along though. Hmmm....

Oh well, that's it for this time. Might do some more sketches later in the week.

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