Wednesday, February 14, 2007

So it's Valentines again....

Greetings, my fellows. I am back.

Well, I've actually been back for quite a while already. A week to be exact. However, I've been busy with personal matters and also sick like a warm-nosed puppy for a while. Coughing, fever, flu and all that jazz. Also, I've been abstaining from my usually large amounts of food in favour of a 'healthier' lifestyle which just means more misery...

Anyway, there's probably heaps to discuss about my month away but I shan't get right into that yet. Better to illustrate it in a post dedicated to itself.

Instead, I'll go back to the matter at hand, which is another lonely Valentines day. Geez, how many have I had already? Agh, I really hate this day. The only thing good about it is being able to delve deep into Charlie Brown comics. Yeah, that always cheers me up on this day. I had a lot of trouble coming up with the 'Special' comic to be drawn today after the decidedly more 'romantic' one last year. Well, I scratched and scratched for hours and then decided to screw it all and just crap out something. Ugh... looking at it you wouldn't believe how much time went into designing and drawing it, but I swear it wasn't an easy task.

The perspectice is ALL WRONG. The tyres are just pathetic and really... it's either too messy or too much empty space. Sometimes I'd like to blame my inability to colour these pictures but I know it's just my ineptitude. The only saving grace is the result of using this new coloured pencil lead (yes! I actually found some!) and inks for this.

Anyway you can interpret this as however you wish. I don't suggest putting any brain power into it. Happy Valentines Day to those who have anything to be happy about.

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